Friday, 13 October 2017

A pause

I really have a lot to say.

First of all, I don't know how I can get around Las Vegas without mentioning it. So, my prayers go out to all the families with lost ones. This really was sad, and completely unnecessary. And to all the brave ones who came back to help through fire, I raise my glass.

Honestly, I think that USA news is the worst thing that ever came to this earth. In my opinion, with 9/11 anniversaries every year, this year somebody messed up in the head heard was reminded about terrorism. He was then reminded of Omar Mateen's mass killing in 2016. He then thinks to himself, hey, I wan be the one who can do the deadliest mass killer in us history! I have an awful life anyway, I can kill myself after. And so he goes. Kills a bunch of people. Then, on the fantastic USA news, the headlines: Deadlist mass shooting in us history! This the provokes many other shootings, 100% inspired by the Las Vegas one. You probably never heard of them, since they were minor and since many shootings happen in that blasted country every day. Once another one gets to the news, this will illuminate even more psychos. And this continues. I know that I cannot change the news. USA thinks USA is the centre of the world and nothing else matters. I understand! However, I would like to say that all the reports say "acted alone." No. He acted with the help of the news.

Back to music now. I really have not been that active in the comments section. I skipped a week. Basically, my reason is that I had a heck of a lot of physical activity to get doing. I ran something like 20 miles in the past few weeks and did a bunch of training. My P.E. class is super strict, and if I want to pass, I had to do it. Also, entering 9th, I have a bunch of projects, and getting closer to the end of term, I have a sort of three oral per day schedule.

I really lack time. However, I really am not rushing to blog. With Payne, Niall and, now, Ed Sheeran at the top, I really want to scream. I have not had Hits 1 on my radio for the past month, and I am not rushing to re-start my subscription since the music on it is trash. I can hear the good songs like FIS, LDL or LMG on my radio or my CD. And for some reason, Pulse rejected my account. IDK.

So, as far as blogging goes, I am taking a pause FROM THIS BLOG. Doing MWP is really fun and have a look there if you wish to know what music is listen to nowadays. I might some back if songs like SMAP or Thunder hit the top or if DTD debuts just to rejoice. Otherwise, expect a pause for the rest of October.

I still like blogging, don't get me wrong. I just have a lot of work and birthday things to work on. That's another thing, I have to write a story for my mother, and that takes a while.

In all, thanks for viewing, and I will still be around, viewing your blogs, and if you took the time to read that whole paragraph, I love you, man.
